Vegetable garden on my Balcony

We recently moved into an apartment with a very sunny balcony.
So this was my first attempt at a balcony garden.
 I planted some vegetables and strawberries.

The only plant I was unsuccessful with was cucumber. I love freshly picked organic cucumbers. But it’s a fairly delicate plant and unfortunately with all the humidity this summer, the leaves developed fungus.
I will try again next year.

It’s great to cook with fresh herbs for now, but when it gets colder I pick them all and dry them to use during winter.

Mint, parsley and basil. I’ve use most of them. Fortunately they all grow fast, so I’ll soon be making another batch of pesto.

My first attempt a growing tomatoes in pots.They did well.

At first the small chilli plants were infested with aphids.I treated them with liquid soap and water. It took about a month to get rid of them completely. Now they too are doing well.

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