Using up some old,old fabric

Many years ago my sister and I bought mini rolls of this fabric at a factory.We bought one of each, the plain as as well as both prints in both colours and they threw in some extra odd pieces of a third colour.
We didn’t realize how much fabric we really bought.Over the years I made a few skirts for myself, some dresses for my nieces and there was still so much left over.What a lucky find.

We would joke about our “toilet roll fabric” and about how heavy they were, how we carried the bags and traveled on the bus with them.

It was great to work with since I didn’t have to cut long strips. All I had to do is gather straight from the roll.It was also OK to make mistakes since there was always more fabric to cut.

When I got married and had to relocate to Canada,I unfortunately had to part with the rolls and leave them in South Africa.
I gave it to an underprivledged school to use for costumes or in sewing classes.I didn’t know that I was going to sell clothes on Etsy.In fact I didn’t even know about Etsy.It would have definitely come in handy now.I guess the school needed it more than I do.

Well I did keep some pieces to remind myself about our purchase.
So here are two dresses I made so far.I still have enough of the purple to make one or two girls dresses.It depends on the style I decide to make.
And then I still have some of the green left as well which I will use when I find it hidden in my stash again sometime.

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