trip to Cape Town, South Africa

My recent trip back home after 3 years was eventful.It’s amazing how some things have changed and yet not much has changed at the same time.Thanks to the soccer world cup they recently hosted there was some improvement to the infrastructure.   Everyone still seemed excited about it and described how great the atmosphere was.
I was there for seven weeks.
We attended two weddings and did lots of visiting with family,But spending time with my father was the most memorable.Those moments are more meaningful now, since only less than three weeks after getting back he passed away.

Lions head from Table Mountain
Cable car at the top of Table Mountain

It was great to enjoy some of the South African beauty.The mountains and beaches.

Table Mountain from the waterfront

Table Mountain
Devil’s Peak from my nephew’s school
Resort at Hot Springs in Montagu

Fruit farm near Montagu
Tree full of vultures in Montagu

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