Quick and easy summer dessert

For potluck at my husband’s work last week, I made this quick dessert.
Unfortunately, I did not measure accurately. My husband would probably say “there’s a surprise”.

 All you need is:
Sponge flan
Fresh or frozen or canned fruit.
Some yogurt
one packet of jello
Fresh fruit and whipping cream for decorating.

You can either bake a sponge flan or buy a ready baked one.
I used raspberry because I was used berries for this one. If was going to use peaches, I would use orange and if making a kiwi fruit dessert ,I would have used greengage.I’m not sure if you get it here.( I bring back my supply of tower jelly when I visit South Africa)
 Prepare the jello according to the instructions but use about 1/3 cup less of water.Let it set.Them mash with a potato masher or fork.
Add   about 1/2 cup of yogurt  and mix together.I used 10% yogurt. Greek Yogurt will work well too. You can use more or less yogurt
Stir in the fruit.
Arrange the blend onto the flan.
Let it set in the fridge.

If using canned fruit, save the syrup and carefully pour it over the flan if you like a more moist cake.


One response to “Quick and easy summer dessert”

  1. Sawitri Avatar

    This looks beautiful!! And delicious!!

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