My Yoga Bag

  My husband threw out another T shirt. I decided to make a yoga bag and using my friend Sawitri’s pattern as a guide.For the pattern go to

I used one sleeve for the two circles and the other sleeve for a pocket. I managed to get a double pocket.

Since it was a XXL, I had enough to make a lined bag.
I did not plan to add buttons, I was going to use snaps or velcro but I have so many odd buttons.It was also a good idea to master the knit buttonhole stitch on my sewing machine.

I liked the idea of a front opening like the one she made with the shirt, so I cut the hem and made button stands with it.

I was in no mood to measure accurately.So I used a bowl to make my circle which just happened to be enough including my seam allowance.

And then wrapped the t-shirt around and marked the cutting line.

I downloaded some images of yoga poses and then transferred them to freezer paper.Keeping the negative for another project,I ironed  the positive cut outs onto the fabric.
I had some fabric paint left from some other  projects so used them up.

When I removed the freezer paper, the white looked too stark.So I lightly brushed it with some lime green.

When the paint dried, I sewed the rest of the bag.
I also found a strap in the bargain bin at the textile museum sale which just happened to be the right length.

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