Machine Applique

 Another great way to use up your scraps of fabric creatively, is by doing some applique.
This is one of many techniques of doing machine applique.It is basic applique using only one piece of fabric.
It is best to use a simple line drawing to begin with.

Materials Required:
Picture to applique
iron on interfacing or stabilizer

Trace the reverse of your  image onto tear away stabilizer , paper or ironed coffee filter.

Iron the stabilizer onto the back of the fabric.
Pin it on the right side of the project where you would like  the image to be placed.

Pin the traced image on the wrong side in the same position as the right side making sure it covers the stabilized fabric for the applique.

Using a straight stitch, stitch along all the outlines of the traced image.

On the right side, carefully cut away the excess fabric along the stitching line.
Using a satin stitch setting on your sewing machine, stitch along the the straight stitch lines.
Tear away the paper used to trace on the inside of your project.

 Complete the applique using satin stitch according to the settings on your sewing machine.You can experiment with other decorative stitches on your sewing machine.
This method works best with woven fabrics.

It is a good idea to practice before you complete the applique for your project.

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