Dying fabric in a crock pot

When I moved in with my husband, he had a slow cooker.Also known as a crock pot.I do use to cook in it sometimes and find it to be fairly convenient.
I also like to experiment with dying clothing and fabric.I’ve been doing so for years  but this was the first time I tried the crock pot.I quite like this method because the clean up process is so much quicker.It’s much easier to clean the ceramic bowl than the stainless steel pot. Also because with this method you can keep the lid closed and the colour won’t splatter all  over the stove. You don’t have to watch over it. You can really “forget” about it and do something else during the dying process.

Prepare the fabric or piece of clothing as you wish.I used rubber bands to tie one t- shirt and did nothing to the other.
Use hot water dye.Follow the directions on the package.

Instead of boiling it in the pot just use the crock pot on the high setting. Place the fabric in the  crock pot. If you want an even all over colour, you need to make sure all the dye powder is totally dissolved. Then agitate  occasionally if you want an even all over colour.

I inserted the tied t-shirt in the pot first agitated it a few times and when I was happy with the colour, I inserted the second  crumpled t-shirt and left it to “cook” without agitating it.
This way I dyed two t-shirts and got two shades of the same colour.Also two different dying effects.
When it is done, turn off the slow cooker and complete the process according to the instructions on the dye package.

To get a slight speckled effect all you need to do is not dissolve the powder completely. The undissolved pigment will create speckles in interesting colours.

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