Category: fabric painting

  • Using Embroidery Designs For  More Than Just Embroidery.

    Using Embroidery Designs For More Than Just Embroidery.

    I love surface design. I also prefer my tools and designs to perform multiple duties. So  I tend to find several uses for many of the items I have around.   I enjoy using different forms of applications for embroidery designs.

    I added beads to further embellish this paisley motif.  It is from a set of paisley motif designs found here

    I printed the design directly onto the fabric using freezer paper as a stabilizer.  This design can be found in my etsy store here.

    I used  acrylic paint with fabric medium to paint the  design onto the chambray.  I’ll be using it for a pocket on a bag.
    This is The Nina Bag.  Here I also used acrylic paint with a fabric medium to complete this design.  The downloadable PDF pattern with free embroidery design is available here
    Since the fabric was dark, I was unable to print the design directly onto the fabric.  Instead I used dressmaker’s carbon and pencil to transfer the design.  It’s better to outline or cut the pattern piece before doing the transfer.  This helps to easily centre the design.
    I like to use an embroidery hoop when painting smaller designs onto fabric.
    Now I can continue to sew and complete the rest of my project.

  • Stenciled Bibs and Burp cloths

    Stenciled Bibs and Burp cloths

    After making some bibs and burp cloths with the scraps that I had left over after completing a quilt,  I decided use up more scraps. I was in a real bib making mood. 

    Even though it was very pretty, I was really getting tired of this pink fabric laying around in all my various scrap storage locations.  Originally, my mother had made a gown for herself from the fabric. Years later, I made two night dresses for my sister with what was left over.  After that I even still had enough left over to make two smocked dresses.  I made those dresses two years ago and I still have some of this stuff left.  While I am tired of the fabric I didn’t want to see it go wasted. 

    Since I was tired of the print itself, I thought I could spruce it up if
    I stenciled some images on it. I used some metallic Shiva paint sticks
    and a stencil with a gourd pattern on it to make the effect you see in the set above.  I have always loved pictures of African gourds and pots.

    Aside from the gourds above these are also two of my favorite images from my collection of stencils.
    I have now updated these stencils and the templates are available here.

  • Vintage Hankerchief Projects

    My friend Sawitri recently gave me a stash of hankies. This is what I’ve come up with so far.


    I bought this doll for 49c at a craft shop in Detroit some time ago.After trying to dress it, it came apart at some of the seams. I now know why they were only 49c.
    I only need one for this project. I smocked the front and back. The shoulder straps were crocheted using cotton from my stash. There was enough of the hankie left to drape a headscarf  or ”doekie” as it is called back home.

    It was great to have so many of the same colour to work with because I used 4 of the same to complete this onesie. I guess if you would like more ruffles, you can use more handkerchiefs. After attaching the ruffled “skirt”, it looked a bit bland so I stenciled the flower.

  • My Yoga Bag

      My husband threw out another T shirt. I decided to make a yoga bag and using my friend Sawitri’s pattern as a guide.For the pattern go to

    I used one sleeve for the two circles and the other sleeve for a pocket. I managed to get a double pocket.

    Since it was a XXL, I had enough to make a lined bag.
    I did not plan to add buttons, I was going to use snaps or velcro but I have so many odd buttons.It was also a good idea to master the knit buttonhole stitch on my sewing machine.

    I liked the idea of a front opening like the one she made with the shirt, so I cut the hem and made button stands with it.

    I was in no mood to measure accurately.So I used a bowl to make my circle which just happened to be enough including my seam allowance.

    And then wrapped the t-shirt around and marked the cutting line.

    I downloaded some images of yoga poses and then transferred them to freezer paper.Keeping the negative for another project,I ironed  the positive cut outs onto the fabric.
    I had some fabric paint left from some other  projects so used them up.

    When I removed the freezer paper, the white looked too stark.So I lightly brushed it with some lime green.

    When the paint dried, I sewed the rest of the bag.
    I also found a strap in the bargain bin at the textile museum sale which just happened to be the right length.