Tank Bandana Dresses with Kanzashi flowers

 After making some tank dresses, I decided to make some flowers with the scraps of fabric that I had left over.Kanzashi is a Japanese fabric flower making technique.  I recently bought some Kanzashi  makers made by Clover. I have always liked the sewing notions made by this company. If I had more space in my …

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Getting Creative with an old T-Shirt

As  one matures as an artist over time,  one learns to  “trust the process”.  There are times when I don’t.  And that’s usually when I have a lesson to learn. This time I decided to “trust the process”. This is what happened.   From this…………………..to this.   My husband’s under shirt was really worn.  The …

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Altering a man’s dress shirt. Shorten a cuffed sleeve.

This method only works when you have to shorten the sleeve by ¾ inch or less. If you need to shorten the sleeves by more than  ¾ inch, there are two other methods i hope to post some time later. Carefully unpick the cuffs using a seam ripper. If there are pleats,  pin the pleats …

Altering a man’s dress shirt. Shorten a cuffed sleeve. Read More »